Prepper Tip: Top Secret Cell Phone

It’s no secret that the government is spying upon us, and sometimes, they use your very own cell phone. 

Not only is it possible to eavesdrop on the calls, it is also possible to record your conversations, even when the cell phone is powered off! 

Here’s a cheap and easy method to prevent this:

- Whenever you want 100% privacy, start by powering down your phone.

- Next, take an ordinary roll of tin foil, and wrap the cell phone in it, doubling the layers.

- The tin foil acts as a barrier to any signals being sent to the phone, and disables any ability to control the phone remotely. It will not receive calls, either, due to the foil blocking legitimate cell signals as well.

More cool tips and tricks here:

Prepare Now,
Survive Later!

~ Damian Campbell