5 Smart Phone Survival Tips

Did you know your cell phone can save your life?  

Here are 5 "not so obvious" ways your smart phone can be a great survival tool:

  • Car phone charger - If the power is out in your house you can still power your phone and other devices in your car...but only if you have the right adapters.  You can find these adapters and also find $30 solar cell chargers on Amazon.com.   

  • The word ICE - Add the letters I.C.E after your spouse's or children's contact info in your phone.  Emergency responders know to look at a patients cell phone for these letters which stands for "In Case of an Emergency"

  •  Survival Apps - There are dozens of emergency alert apps that can tell you about pending danger in your area.  Being familiar with your local maps and weather apps is very important for your survival.

  • Take pictures - Its so easy now to document everything from car accidents to a suspicious car at your neighbors house.  You can take these pictures and every week delete what you don't need, and keep what you do need.

  • Backup family communication - In a large disaster situation cell towers are quickly overwhelmed, and cell phones often don't work.  Even when calls can't get through you may still be able to get a text off to a family member.  Sending emails, Skype messages, or even Facebook posts could also be a good way to communicate with your family in a time of crisis.

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Prepare Now,
Survive Later!
~ Damian Campbell