Survival Tip: DIY Fire Starter

Need to build a fire quick?

If your trying to stay warm or feed your family, you better have a plan. 

Ordinary dryer lint makes an excellent fire starter. 

Here's what to do:

Save your dryer lint in Ziploc bags for use as a lighting fast starter. You can also use cotton balls and dip them in some rubbing alcohol, or petroleum jelly. Also store these in a Ziploc bag. 

Use a small wad of the lint, or single dampened ball under some kindling. Then light it, and watch your fire grow. 

Jute (rope) also makes a great fire starter as it is impregnated with kerosene as a preservative. Unravel the jute (rope) into fine hairs, roll up into a ball, and light it under some kindling.

Prepare Now,
Survive Later!
~Damian Campbell