Survival Tip: Clean Water With Bleach In 3 Easy Steps

Bleach is one of the best ways to disinfect water for drinking. 

A couple drops of unscented bleach per gallon of water are just enough to kill harmful organisms that may be present in the water and render it safe for drinking. 

Bleach won't remove other chemicals in the water but in most survival situation, you are most concerned about bacteria and other organisms.

3 Steps to clean water with bleach:

Step 1: Use 8 drops (about 0.75 milliliters) of unscented bleach per gallon. Double the bleach if water is slightly cloudy.

Step 2: Mix well and wait 30 minutes. 

Step 3: If water does not have a bleach smell, then repeat Step 1. If the bleach smell is too strong, then wait before drinking or use a carbon filter for better taste.

Bleach does have a limited shelf life, so keep an eye on that. And remember to never combine bleach with ammonia or other cleaning agents.

More cool tips and tricks here:

Prepare Now, 
Survive Later!
~ Damian Campbell

PS: Bonus Tip: Bleach is also a powerful antiseptic, but not for use on or in the human body. For potentially contaminated areas of your home, it is great for halting the spread of disease. If you find yourself in the midst of a pandemic, you’ll be able to properly sanitize some critical areas of your home.