Prepper Tip: Emergency Shut Offs

In a disaster situation such as an earthquake or other storms you may need to shut off your utilities to make sure your home stays safe. 

Know how to shut off your utilities!

You should be intimately familiar with how to shut off the gas, electricity, and water to your home, and know exactly where these shut offs are. 

Some shut offs, like gas, require a tool to turn the valve – buy a quality wrench, spray it with WD-40 and place it in a Ziploc bag to avoid corrosion. Then zip tie this to the gas valve, so you always have an instant method of shutting the gas valve off in case of an emergency. 

Same goes for the water valve. 

If your electrical panel locks or requires a tool to open it, make sure said tool or key is located close by.

Doing this now, will save you a lot of hassle later if the need arises. 

Prepare Now, 
Survive Later!
~Damian Campbell